Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Math Reflection

Today was a work period everyone worked on accelerated math and the circle and polygon investigations which is due Friday. It was hard for me to complete some of the work though because I wasn't to sure how to do the problems. I mainly just worked on a few questions in the booklet due Friday.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Math Reflection

Today in class we were given a booklet due for next friday. Other then that we just worked on accelerated math or other work that needed to be completed. We also are starting to think about exams, and making our study sheets.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Math Reflection

Today in class we started off by doing accelerated math, and then we were told what is being taken in for marks. These assignments are property taxation worksheets and the circle theorem. If you are done all that you were allowed to work on acclerated math and complete more objectives.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Math Reflection

Today in class we started to learn about geometry and how to figure out angle measures on the spreadsheet. We also learned to new formulas to find the sum of the measure of all interior angles in a regular polygon which is (n-2)*180, and we also learned to find the individual angle measure in any regular polygon which is (n-2)*180/n.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Math Reflection

Today in class we started off by doing accelerated math and then had a work period. I did not work on accelerated math today in class because I decided to get some help on Property taxation Exercise 2.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Math Reflections

Today in class we took notes on circle theorem, and the rest of the class was a work period. I have mastered 34 objectives as of today, and by the end of the week I am hoping to have 40 mastered objectives.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Math Reflection

Today in class we started off by doing Mental math, and then we had a work period and marks were updated today. Everyone worked on any work that they were behind in, such as the budgeting exercies like me or accelerated math.